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Publications from our members


Cheng JCY, Maffulli N, Leung SSSF, Lee WTK, Lau JTF, Chan KM. Axial and peripheral bone mineral acquisition : a 3-year longitudinal study in Chinese adolescents.  European Journal of Pediatrics, 1999; 58:506-512

Lau JTF, Cheung CK. Discriminatory attitudes to people with intellectual disability or mental health difficulty. International Social Work 1999; 42(4):431-444

Lau JTF, Cheung CK. Public evaluation of an announcement of public interests communicated by an AIDS patient. Journal of Health and Social Policy 1999; 11(1): 77-90.

Lau JTF, Liu JLY, Yu A, Wong CK. Conceptualisation, reporting and under-reporting of child abuse in Hong Kong. Child Abuse & Neglect 1999; 23(1): 1159-1174

Lau WY, Leung TWT, Ho SKW, Chan M, Machin D, Lau JTF, Chan ATC, Yeo W, Mok TSK, Yu SCH, Leung NWY, Johnson PJ.Adjuvant intra-arterial iodine-131-labelled lipiodol for resectable hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective randomised trial. Lancet, 1999; 353(9155): 797-801


Chan TYK, Chan AYW, Lau JTF, Critchley JAJH. Sodium and potassium intakes and blood pressure in Chinese adults in Hong Kong: a comparison with southern China. Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998; 7(1):33-36

Cheng JCY, Ko WM, Shen WY, Lau JTF. A new look at the sequential development of elbow-ossification centers in children.  Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 1998; 18:161-167

Cheng JCY, Leung SSF, Lee WTK, Lau JTF, Maffulli N, Cheung AYK, Chan K M. Determinants of axial and peripheral bone mass in Chinese adolescents. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1998; 78(6):524-530

Chiu HFK, Lam LCW, Chi I, Leung T, Li SW, Law WT, Chung DWS, Fung HHL, Kan PS, Lum CM, Ng J, Lau JTF. Prevalence of dementia in Chinese elderly in Hong Kong. Neurology, 1998; 50(4):1002-1009

Leung SSF, Cole TJ, Tse LY, Lau JTF. Body mass index reference curves for Chinese children. Annals of Human Biology 1998; 25(2):169-174

Leung CM, Lee G, Cheung B, Kwong E, Wing YK, Kan CS, Lau JTF. Karaoke therapy in the rehabilitation of mental patients. Singapore Med J. 1998; 39(4):166-168

Woo J, Ho SC, Yu LM, Lau JTF, Yuen YK. Impact of chronic diseases on functional limitations in elderly Chinese aged 70 years and over: a cross-sectional and longitudinal survey. Journal of Gerontology (Med. Sc.) 1998; 53A:2, M102-106

Woo J, Ho SC, Yuen YK, Yu LM, Lau JTF. Cardiovascular risk factors and 18-month mortality and morbidity in an elderly Chinese Population aged 70 years and over.  Gerontology 1998; 44:51-55


Ho SC, Wong E, Chan SG, Lau JTF, Chan C, Leung PC. Determinants of peak bone mass in Chinese women aged 21-40 years.  III. Physical activity and bone mineral density.  Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 1997; 12:8 1262-1271

Ho SC, Woo J, Chan SG, Yuen YK, Sham A, Lau JTF, Lee SH. Health risk, health changes and quality of life in the Hong Kong elderly cohort: risk factors for falls and mobility decline.  Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology 1997; 11(2):40-46

Huen KF, Leung SSF, Lau JTF, Cheung AYK, Leung NK, Chiu MC. Secular trend in the sexual maturation of Southern Chinese girls. Acta Paediatrica 1997; 86:1121-1124

Lai CKW, Chan JKW, Wong G, Ho A, Choy D, Lau JTF, Leung R. Comparison of the ISAAC video questionnaire (AVQ 3.0) with the ISAAC written questionnaire for estimating asthma associated with bronchial hyperreactivity.  Clinical and Experimental Allergy 1997; 27:540-545

Lau JYW, Sung JJY, Chan ACW, Lai GWY, Lau JTF, Ng EKW, Chung SCS, Li AKC. Stigmata of hemorrhage in bleeding peptic ulcers; an inter-observer agreement study among international experts. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1997; 46:1:33-36

Law WY, Leung SSF, Lau JTF, Xu YY, Wong GWK, Yeung VTF, Huen KF, Yeung WKY, Leung N K, Tse LY. Sitting height and subischial leg length of Hong Kong Chinese Children. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 1997; 33:S109

Leung R, Wong G,Lau JTF, Ho A, Chan JKW, Choy D, Douglass C, Lai CKW. Prevalence of asthma and allergy in Hong Kong school children : an ISAAC study.  Eurpean Respiratory Journal 1997; 10:354-360

Leung SSF, Lau JTF, Wong GWK, Yeung VTF, Huen KF, Oppenhemier SJ, Tse LY. Growth standards for Hong Kong children. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 1997; 33:S109

Sung RYT, Huang GY, Shing MK, Oppenheimer SJ, Li CK, Li CK, Lau JTF, Yuen MP Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function in paediatric oncology patients treated with or without anthracycline.  International Journal of Cardiology 1997; 60:239-248

Wong GWK, Leung R, Ho SS, Chan J, Lau JTF, Lai CWK.Prevalence of Asthma and Allergy in Hong Kong School Children. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 1997; 33:S40

Woo J, Ho SC, Chan SG, Yu LM, Yuen YK, Lau JTF. An estimate of chronic disease burden and some economic consequences among the elderly in the Hong Kong population. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 1997; 51(5):486-489

Woo J, Ho SSC, Yuen YK, Chan SSG, Yu ALM, Lau JTF. Prevalence and effectiveness of treatment of hypertension on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in an elderly population aged 70 years and over.  Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 1997; 25:159-165


Chan TYK, Critchley JAJH, Lau JTF, Sung JJY, Chung SSC, Anderson DC. The Relationship between Upper Gastrointestional Hemorrhage and Drug Use: A case Control Study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1996; 30(7):304-308

Cheng JCY, Leung SSF, Lau JTF. Anthropometric measurements and body proportions among Chinese children.Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 1996; No. 323:22-30

Haines C, Chung TK, Masarei JR, Tomlinson B, Lau JTF. An examination of the effect of combined cyclical hormone replacement therapy on liporprotein(a) and other lipoproteins.  Atherosclerosis 1996; 119:215-222

King WWK, Wang YP, Lau JTF, Chung SSC, Johnson PJ, Li AKC. Analysis of 346 Chinese patients with breast cancer. Hong Kong Medical Journal,1996; 2:72-79

Lai CKW, Douglas C, Ho SS, Chan J, Lau JTF, Wong G, Leung R. Asthma epidemiology in the far East.  Clinical & Experimental Allergy 1996; 26:5-12

Leung SSF, Lau JTF, Tse LY, Oppenheimer SJ. Weight-for-age and weight-for-height references for Hong Kong children from birth to 18 years. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,1996; 32:103-109

Leung SSF, Lau JTF, Xu YY, Huen KF, Wong GWK, Law WY, Yeung VTF, Yeung WKY, Leung N K, Tse LY. Secular changes in standing height, sitting height and sexual maturation of Chinese - Hong Kong Growth Study 1993.Annals of Human Biology 1996; 23:4:297-306

Lo PI, Ho PCP, Lau JTF, Cheung AYK, Goldschmidt E, Tso MOM. Relationship between myopia and ptical components - a study among Chinese Hong Kong student population. Eye Science,1996; 12:121-5

Ng EKW, Chung SCS, Lau JTF, Sung JJY, Leung JWC, Raimes SA, Chan ACW, Li AKC. Risk of further ulcer complications after an episode of peptic ulcer bleeding. British Journal of Surgery, 1996; 83:840-844

Wong GWK, Leung SSF, Law WY, Yeung VTF, Lau JTF, Yeung WKY. Secular trend in the sexual maturation of Southern Chinese boys. Acta Paediatrica 1996; 85:602-611

Woo J, Ho SC, Yuen YK, Yu LM, Lau JTF. An estimation of the functional disability burden in elderly Chinese age 70 years and over. Disability and Rehabilitation 1996; 18(12):609-612


Chan Thomas YK, Critchley JAJH, Lau JTF. The risk of aspiration in Dettol poisoning: a retrospective cohort study.  Human and Experimental Toxicology 1995; 14: 190-191

Haines CJ, Chung TKH, Masarei JRL, Tomlinson B, Lau JTF. The effect of percutaneous oestrogen replacement therapy on Lp(a) and other lipoproteins. Maturitas, 1995; 22:219-225

Ho SC, Chan SSG, Woo J, Leung PC, Lau JTF. Determinants of bone mass in the Chinese old-old population.  Osteoporosis International,1995; 5:161-166

Ho PCP, Lo PI, Lau JTF. The significant of the age-of-onset of myopia among university-students of Chinese race. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 1995; 36 (4): S1073-S1073

Lai CKW, Ho SC, Lau JTF, Yuen YK, Ho SS, Chan CHS, Woo J. Respiratory symptoms elderly Chinese living in Hong Kong. The European Respiratory Journal, 1995; 8:2055-2061

Lau JTF, Liu JLY, Cheng JCK, Yu A, Wong CK. Prevalence and correlates of physical abuse in Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents: a population-based approach. Child Abuse & Neglect 1999; 23(6):549-557


Lee WTK, Leung SSF, Fairweather-tait SJ, Eagles J, Fox T, Leung DMY, Wang SH, Xu YC, Zeng WP, Lau JTF, Oppenheimer SJ, Masarei JRL. Effects of double-blind controlled calcium supplementation on calcium absorption in Chinese children measured with stable isotopes (42Ca and 44Ca).  British Journal of Nutrition,1995; 73:311-321

Lee WTK, Leung SSF, Leung MY, Tsang HSY, Lau JTF, Cheng JCY.A randomized double-blind controlled calcium supplementation trial, and bone and height acquisition in children . British Journal of Nutrition, 1995; 74:125-139

Leung SS F, Tse LY, Wong GWK, Law WY, Huen KF, Yeung WKY, Yeung VTF, Lau JTF. Oppenheimer S J, Leung N K "Standards for the anthropometric assessment of nutritional status of Hong Kong children. The Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics 1995; 12:5-15

Sung RYT, Huang GY, Shing MK, Li CK, Lau JTF, Li CK, Yuen MP. Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function in children treated with anthracycline. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology 1995; 3:75

Sung RYT, Ling JM, Fung SM, Oppenheimer SJ, Crook D, Lau JTF, Cheng FB.Carriage of haemophilus influenzae and streptococcus pneumoniae in healthy Chinese and Vietnamese children in Hong Kong. Acta Paediatrica, 1995; 84:1262-7

Woo J, Ho SC, Lau JTF. Caregivers for the elderly Chinese in H.K. and caregiver strain.  Facts and Research in Gerontology 1995; 353-362

Woo J, Ho SC, Lau JTF, Chan SG, Yuen YK. Age-associated gait changes in the Elderly: Pathological or Physiological?  Neuroepidemiology 1995; 14: 65-71

Woo J, Ho SC, Yuen YK, Lau JTF. Drug use in an elderly Chinese population: prevalence and associated factors. Gerontology 1995; 41:98-108

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